Claude Thomas Gastinon Duchene

  • 19 APR 1756 - Birth - ; Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA
  • 02 DEC 1799 - Death - ; Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Leonard Gastinon Duchene
1667 - 14 OCT 1708
Francois Gastignon Duchene
12 OCT 1700 - 28 JUL 1780
Madeleine Arcouet Lajeunesse
21 DEC 1675 - 14 OCT 1708
Claude Thomas Gastinon Duchene
19 APR 1756 - 02 DEC 1799
Joseph David
04 JUN 1652 - 1666
Marie Josephe David
01 OCT 1698 - 01 MAR 1793
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Francois Gastignon Duchene
Birth12 OCT 1700Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Death28 JUL 1780 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Marriage29 JUN 1739to Marie Josephe David at Détroit, L`Assomption de Sandwich de Windsor, Michigan
Marriage29 JUN 1739to ? at Detroit, Wayne Co, MI
FatherLeonard Gastinon Duchene
MotherMadeleine Arcouet Lajeunesse
PARENT (F) Marie Josephe David
Birth01 OCT 1698Québec, Canada
Death01 MAR 1793 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Marriage29 JUN 1739to Francois Gastignon Duchene at Détroit, L`Assomption de Sandwich de Windsor, Michigan
Marriage29 JUN 1739to ? at Detroit, Wayne Co, MI
FatherJoseph David
MotherMarie Morneau
FMarie Magdelene Duchene
Birth05 AUG 1747Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death30 DEC 1824Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
FMarie Francoise Duchene
Birth17 FEB 1743Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death19 OCT 1743Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
FMary Joseph Gastinon dit Duchene
Birth11 DEC 1744Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death02 NOV 1813Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Marriageto Julien Freton
MClaude Thomas Gastinon Duchene
Birth19 APR 1756Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA
Death02 DEC 1799Windsor, Ontario, Canada
MPierre Jean Duchene
Birth18 APR 1754Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death05 OCT 1813Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Marriage17 JAN 1774to Mary Joseph Lacelle at Detroit, Wayne, Michigan
MFrancis Gatignon Duchene
Birth18 APR 1754Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
Death05 OCT 1813Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States
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